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This is Community Church

Our church practices extravagant hospitality, where all are invited to God's table. We create a safe space for hard questions, where all voices are welcomed, respected and heard. We reflect this diversity of expression through inspirational worship, music, and the arts. Following the Way of Jesus, we practice our faith through transformational mission. If you want to strengthen your faith and increase your compassion for all God’s people, come and see.

Important Message from the Moderator.png

The Church Council met on July 29th and approved the Advisory Nominating Committee's recommendations for the Senior Minister Search Committee and Interim Senior Minister Search Committee.

The Senior Minister Search Committee:
includes Bill Coleman, Peter Ferrell, Susan Horn, Bob Inhoff, Michelle Mantel, Terry Ousley, Debbie Pineda, Betsy Smith, and Kay Yurigan.

The Interim Senior Minister Search Committee:
includes Matt Cleary, Lori Ferrell, Tom Richards, and Donna Wilt.

The committees will work independently and provide updates to the congregation during the process

Bios on each of the committee members will be available and communicated to the congregation within two weeks. Special thanks to Phil Long, Sarah Gnade and Sharon Richards for their thoughtful and discerning work. Each of the individuals chosen for their specific committee has independent gifts that embody the vision of the church and when brought together, represents the spirit of our congregation. Please pray for them as they begin their work.

Jeannie Saver, Moderator




Worship Times

8:30 Traditional - Chapel
10:15 Traditional - Sanctuary
10:15 C2 Worship - Contemporary - Community Hall

Our Latest Sermon


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Guests | New

Are you interested in learning more about us? If so, you will be welcomed into a community of people who are committed to helping each other grow in faith, love, and service. The church offers opportunities for fellowship, worship, and learning, as well as ways for you to serve others.

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Music & Fine Arts

At Community Church, music and the fine arts are at the very core of our celebration of God and our spiritual life. They reflect the order, beauty, and diversity of God's creation and praising God through music and art is one of our most popular and celebrated forms of ministry.



Jesus devoted his time on earth to serving and helping those in need and he encouraged his followers to do the same. He believed that a fulfilling life is one lived for the benefit of others. In the same spirit, Community Church strives to be a beacon of compassion and service to our local community and beyond.

Dr. Anna's Weekly Devotional


We welcome into full membership and participation in all aspects of our church life, persons of every race, language, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental ability, economic or marital status and faith background, and we officiate and celebrate all loving and committed relationships.


(772) 562-3633


1901 23rd. Street

Vero Beach, FL 32960

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© The Community Church of Vero Beach

The Community Church of Vero Beach is a proud member of the United Church of Christ (UCC).

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