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Youth Ministry is the Community Church's continuing effort to help young people in middle school and senior high grow as individuals while exploring ideas, values, and faith.


High School Youth meets at 6 PM on Sundays. Middle School Youth meets at 6 PM on Wednesdays. (See the calendar below for more specifics!)

At Community Church youth develop a positive self-image and overcome prejudices. They serve those in need while encouraging social change within the community. And, they develop a relationship with Jesus in their daily lives

We are committed to youth ministry. Youth Ministry is fun, faith, and friends. Young people need Jesus in their lives!

Weekly activities include fellowship, games, and meaningful devotions created to help youth cope with the pressures of being teenagers.

We encourage local mission opportunities. These include Christmas caroling over the holidays, helping at Shining Light Gardens, volunteering at the pantry at United Against Poverty, participating with painting and yard work with Youth in Action, and assisting with the Harvest Food Collection. Monthly recreational events include water parks, rock climbing, broom hockey, and going on mystery trips.

POST SCHOLARSHIP 2023 (1920 x 700 px).png

Sign up for the post scholarship by downloading and filling out the application below!

Deadline is April 4. Please drop off completed applications in the Church Office or email to

Upcoming Events

The Youth Ministry Team


We welcome into full membership and participation in all aspects of our church life, persons of every race, language, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental ability, economic or marital status and faith background, and we officiate and celebrate all loving and committed relationships.


(772) 562-3633


1901 23rd. Street

Vero Beach, FL 32960

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© The Community Church of Vero Beach

The Community Church of Vero Beach is a proud member of the United Church of Christ (UCC).

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