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We have a wide variety of ways to worship our God. From weekly worship to rites and sacraments.

Look below for more information.

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Sanctuary Worship

We celebrate the great liturgical traditions of the church, including Chancel Choir and pipe organ in a vibrant spirit. Additional services are held for special seasonal holidays and other occasions of significance in the life of the church.

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Jazz Vespers

Join us for our newest worship experience, Jazz Vespers in the Courtyard, monthly throughout the year. This service features a talented jazz band and is something very special. Check it out!



The church offers compassionate support for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Contact the church office at 772-562-3633 for pastoral care, prayer, and assistance in planning a memorial service. Services aim to provide comfort, honor, and hope to attendees. Grace Chapel seats 180 people, while the Sanctuary can accommodate 1,000. Both venues offer various music options, coordinated with clergy and the Director for Music and the Arts. For more information and a brochure on "Services of Celebration and Remembrance," contact the church office.

C2 Worship

We gather together to worship God and then scatter to serve in Christ’s name. C2 Worship builds on the emerging worship practices of the church, including multi-media, praise band, and an exuberant style. Informal, Intergenerational Worship meets in our amped up Community Hall.



“When Jesus was at table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.” - Luke 24:30-31 Here at Community Church, we celebrate the sacrament of an open communion. We welcome anyone to this table who desires to share in Jesus’ life. You don’t have to believe or do all the right things, and you don’t have to have all the answers. We are all invited to God’s family table who wish to know more deeply the presence of Christ through the breaking of the bread. We celebrate the sacrament of communion on the first Sundays of the month, and at special worship services throughout the year. We invite participants who worship with us via live-stream to create a worship space at home, by gathering a bit of bread or cracker, and a bit of juice or wine. All will be blessed and shared together. Whether gathered or scattered as a community, we are one body through Christ.



Marriage is a gift from God, sealed by a sacred covenant. At Community Church, we practice marriage equality for all couples who wish to unite through faith in the covenant of marriage. Read more here.

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Chapel Worship

We share inspiring, biblical messages, warm fellowship and committed faith through the liturgical traditions of the Church, featuring the Chapel Choir in an intimate space and style.



Baptism is a sacrament symbolizing God's grace, wherein a person joins the universal church and experiences forgiveness, spiritual renewal, and a sense of belonging to God's people. In the United Church of Christ, baptism is a gift for all ages, from infants to adults. It is recognized across Christian traditions as a one-time initiation, like adoption, though baptismal vows can be renewed. Baptism is a personal and communal event, taking place during public worship services. In special cases, it may be conducted in homes, hospitals, or through immersion at a local body of water with church representatives present.


Worship Times

8:30 Traditional - Chapel
10:15 Traditional - Sanctuary
10:15 C2 Worship - Contemporary - Community Hall


We welcome into full membership and participation in all aspects of our church life, persons of every race, language, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental ability, economic or marital status and faith background, and we officiate and celebrate all loving and committed relationships.


(772) 562-3633


1901 23rd. Street

Vero Beach, FL 32960

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© The Community Church of Vero Beach

The Community Church of Vero Beach is a proud member of the United Church of Christ (UCC).

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