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100th Anniversary Volunteer-Service Project

In honor of our 100th anniversary, and in honor of our church’s well-known dedication to the volunteer spirit, we are challenging our members and friends to carry out a combined 100 days or more of volunteer service at any of the dozens of agencies that help the many less fortunate people in our community.  It’s as easy as 123. After you get started, the only button you will regularly use is the green ‘Report Volunteer Time’ or the ‘Latest Information’ button.


1.  Decide how often you want to volunteer and where you want to make a difference.

Your volunteer service might be for a day, or just a few hours. It might be once-a-week for as many weeks as you feel comfortable serving. Or it might be participation in any of several one-time events.  It all depends on your interests, availability, and the needs of the agency. You can volunteer at any of the agencies with which the church already has a mission’s relationship, or volunteer at any other non-profit service agency or group that you may already be working with. Click the Sign up to Help button to indicate the area where you would like to volunteer.  If you are already volunteering, please let us know by completing our survey of current volunteering activity.

2.  Find a volunteer job that meets your interests.

Click the View Partner Agency button at the top to view a list of the Church’s partner agencies.
To sign up to help, start with the Sign-Up button at the top of this page. Also use the Sign-Up button to complete a survey on what volunteering our members are already doing.
You can reach out directly to an agency or, go through the Mission-Board liaison to the agency.

3.  Report your work after each time you volunteer.

To track your days and hours of volunteering, we ask that after each volunteer session, you provide your name, the place and date that you volunteered, and the number of hours you worked. You can provide this information very easily by any of the methods below:


  • From this Volunteer Page, Click the ‘Report Volunteer Time’ button at the top of the page.

  • Or, use your smart phone and the QR code provided in the bulletin and elsewhere to bring you to this Volunteer Page, then Click the ‘Report Volunteer Time’ button at the top of the page.

  • Or, call the church at 772-469-2309 to report your information into a dedicated, recorded telephone line.

  • Or, fill out a paper Volunteer Reporting Form, available at the Mission Table after church, or at the church office during the week.


The Mission Board will use the data collected from your participation report to develop a “Missions Audit” that will show us the depth and breadth of what we are already doing, how we have grown that effort, and most importantly, it can challenge us to do more as we stand at the door of our next century of faithful service.

Your Missions Board members thank you in advance for being a part of this wonderful challenge.


We welcome into full membership and participation in all aspects of our church life, persons of every race, language, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental ability, economic or marital status and faith background, and we officiate and celebrate all loving and committed relationships.


(772) 562-3633


1901 23rd. Street

Vero Beach, FL 32960

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© The Community Church of Vero Beach

The Community Church of Vero Beach is a proud member of the United Church of Christ (UCC).

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